German Children Seized From Parents for Crime of Homeschooling
The German government forcibly seized four children from their parents
in a raid last Thursday in Darmstadt, Germany. Why? Because the Wunderlich
children were home schooled – an illegal activity viewed by the German
government as “child endangerment.”
Reports by World Net Daily and The Daily Mail said
the police were armed with a battering ram, and held father Dirk Wunderlich to
a chair while they removed the children. A team of 20 social workers, police,
and special agents entered the home. According to a report by the Home School
Legal Defense Association (HSLDA), an organization that advocates for parental choice in
education, the children were taken to unknown locations and officials told the
parents they would not be seeing their children “anytime soon.”
In a phone interview, Wunderlich called
the episode a “nightmare.” He said that for several days, he has felt “very
down and crushed,” but is trusting that “this terrible thing is one piece in
God’s big plan.”
Michael Donnelly, lawyer for HSLDA,
said, “This shouldn’t happen in Germany. This is a very peaceful family.”
Not only did the German government seize
the children – they seized the children’s passports as well. This prevents the
family from attempting to move to another country where homeschooling is
permissible. According to Wunderlich, the children could be taken from them
permanently if they made such an attempt. “Our children are prisoners of the
German government,” he said.
The Wunderlich family has been trying to
homeschool their family legally for years, and attempted moving to other
countries with greater educational freedoms. Although they found refuge in
France, Mr. Wunderlich was unable to find a job. They had
to return to Germany.
For the Wunderlichs, homeschooling is
preferable for both religious and educational reasons. Wunderlich believes
school can be a rather “artificial place for learning.” Via homeschooling,
their children can immediately pursue and study specific interests. He also
believes homeschooling has bolstered family relationships. But living in
Germany has been hard for them. There are few homeschooling families in
Germany. “In America, it’s perfect,” Wunderlich said. “But here in Germany,
most parents are alone … if people were gentle and nice, it would be better,
but society and authorities are against homeschoolers.”
German law states children must attend
school from age six to 18. Homeschooling is not permissible. Two German Supreme
Court rulings on the subject have given the state equal authority as parents
over children’s education. The law is meant to ensure children receive the
appropriate socialization, Donnelly said.
But according to Donnelly and other
homeschooling advocates at HSLDA, this law is in direct contravention of the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), which Germany has
signed. The ICCPR gives the following permissions to parents: “The States
Parties to the present Covenant undertake to have respect for the liberty of
parents and, when applicable, legal guardians to ensure the religious and moral
education of their children in conformity with their own convictions.” This
parental liberty, Donnelly says, includes the right to homeschool.
In addition, Germany has signed the
International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), which
says states party to the covenant “undertake to have respect for the liberty of
parents … to choose for their children schools, other than those established by
the public authorities, which conform to such minimum educational standards as
may be laid down or approved by the State and to ensure the religious and moral
education of their children in conformity with their own convictions.”
Germany is also party to the European Union Convention on Human Rights: a
document less sympathetic toward parental choice. The European Court of Human
Rights ruled against a German homeschooling family in the 2006 Konrad case, after the parents petitioned for the
ability to homeschool their children.
The Wunderlich’s lawyers will argue
their case on the basis that the current education law is too vague. They are
also arguing on the basis of the international treaties Germany has signed,
since they appear to be violating those treaty obligations. HSLDA is helping
support the Wunderlich’s lawyers on the ground, raising funds for their legal
defense and bolstering awareness for their case. Although the Wunderlichs are
hoping for a court date in September, they are still waiting.
Mr. and Mrs. Wunderlich have had no
contact with their children since the raid one week ago.
Germany is a liberal democracy. Yet the
actions of the state in this instance are antithetical to democratic
government. The raid seems overtly harsh towards a family that—the state has
already acknowledged—treats their children well. There are
no allegations of abuse or neglect. According to HSLDA, the government hasn’t
even claimed that the parents are providing an inadequate education.
Although the government should have the
ability to monitor a child’s education, it should not control it entirely.
Parental freedom and choice are also necessary and important factors in the
equation—especially when a family’s ethical and religious convictions are
involved. Without such educational freedoms, children truly become “prisoners
of the state” and its teaching methods.
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