Argentina And The United States
Many observers have pondered if the United
States is following the same troubled path as Argentina. In the 1940s,
Argentina’s Juan Domingo Perón used government agencies for political gain and
created a popular form of fascism called Perónism. In the United States, the
recent revelation of the Internal Revenue Service targeting political enemies
is a bad omen. Are we on an Argentinean course?
The road to decay in my native country,
Argentina, began with the implementation of one of the most powerful
collectivist doctrines of the 20th century: fascism. The Labour Charter of 1927
– promulgated by Italy’s Grand Council of Fascism under Mussolini – is a
guiding document of this doctrine and provides for government-based economic management.
This same document recommends government provision of healthcare and
unemployment insurance. Sound familiar?
Since adopting its
own brand of fascism, “Justicialismo,” Argentina began to fall in world
economic rankings.
· In 1930, Argentina’s gold reserves ranked 6th. After the “experts” took over the central bank, reserves fell to 9th in 1948 (with $700 million), 16th during 1950-54 (with $530 million), and 28th during 1960-1964 (with $290 million).
· The Argentine central bank, created in 1935, was at first a private corporation. Its president lasted longer (seven years) than the president of the country, and it had strict limits for government debt purchases and even had foreign bankers on its board. It became a government entity in 1946.
When Perón assumed
power shortly thereafter, he hastily expanded the role of government, relaxed
central banking rules and used the bank to facilitate his statist policies. In
just 10 years, the peso went from 4.05 per U.S. dollar to 18 in 1955 (and later
peaked at 36 that same year). After Perón’s rule, Argentina further devalued
its currency to 400 pesos per U.S. dollar by 1970.
Bipartisanship in
bad policy-making can be especially damaging. Just as some of President Obama’s
interventionist monetary policies were preceded by similar Bush administration
policies, some of Perón’s policies were similarly foreshadowed: “Already before
we reached power, we started to reform, with the approval and collaboration of
the previous de facto regime,” said the populist.
Perón was removed
from power in 1955 but his policies lived on. The “Liberating Revolution”
claimed it was leading an effort to return to the free-market system dictated
by the Argentine Constitution of 1853. But Argentines chose an
interventionist, Raúl Prebisch, as minister.
policies and political use of the monetary regulatory authority, especially
after Perón’s first presidency, devastated the economic culture and rule of law
of Argentina. In the United States, the Fed does not have all the powers
delineated by Perón, and has not caused as much destruction as the Argentine
central bank, but the process has been similar and more gradual. The U.S.
dollar buys less than 10 percent of what it did in 1913 when the Federal
Reserve was created, the debt limit increases regularly—thus stimulating
further debt monetization—and monetary authorities have increased their
arbitrary interventions.
Under Perón,
government agencies gradually got involved in all areas of the economy.
We see a similar pattern in the United States–many sectors of the economy
now depend on control, encouragement, or direct management. Obamacare is the
best example; it is Perónism or corporatism on steroids.
There are
similarities beyond the economic realm. Unlike other populist leaders, such as
Hitler and Mussolini, Perón did not have belligerent imperialist ambitions. The
same can be said about President Obama. His conservative critics argue
that he wants to reduce U.S. influence around the world. Moreover, Perón
shunned the Argentine founding fathers who favored the free society. Likewise,
President Obama is not prone to quoting Madison, Washington, or Jefferson.
But some major
differences between cultures still exist, such as the “cult of the leader,”
attacking mediating institutions (e.g., Catholic associations and the press),
and appealing to the left as well as the right. Regarding the latter,
Peron achieved vast influence over most of the three main components of
fascism: labor unions, business corporations, and government. It’s not likely
that a U.S. leader will gain control of all three of these in the near future.
During the beginning of the Obama administration it looked as though much
of the business world was on board, but if there was ever a honeymoon, it
didn’t last long. The Chamber of Commerce, for example, voiced its opposition
during the middle of Obama’s first term, and continues to voice its criticism
on several fronts.
Other differences,
so far, are:
· The use of government funds for partisan efforts in Argentina is much worse than in the United States.
· The U.S. government is reluctant to directly attack capitalism. Interventions are positioned as “going against capitalism to save capitalism.”
· In the United States, there is greater understanding of the dangers of protectionist and nationalist economic policies.
· There is stronger support for the rule of law in the United States. The control of the judiciary by the Argentine government is reaching tyrannical levels.
A major source of
hope in the United States is the strength and variety in governments among the
50 states and the richness of our civil society. Economic power is more
diffused in the United Statesand some of it, as I noted in a recent column, is moving south
to more conservative states. State spending and regulation has grown, but the
federal government does not yet have the power to make the states follow all of
its dictates and whims.
Pessimists may
argue that the stage is set for an ambitious U.S. president, like it was for
Perón, to make the majority of the economy dependent on government. From
the year before Perón assumed power and to the end of his rule (1945-1955),
total spending by the central government averaged 11% of GNP; this compares
with 24% in the United States today. Argentine conservatives created regulatory
agencies thinking they would be used for the common good. Likewise, U.S.
conservatives have expanded government and regulations. The regulatory state is
much larger today in the United States than in old Perónist Argentina. As with
government spending, it can be used to control, encourage, or discourage
business. Employed by both countries, excessive regulation is a more secretive
means of picking winners and losers, which creates more opportunity for
corruption. Perón understood that government spending and regulation could be
used as tools of power to reward friends and punish enemies. He did it, and he
ruined the Argentine dream.
What we’re seeing
in many of today’s U.S. agencies, including the politicization of the IRS,
demonstrates that the United States is not immune to the Argentine disease.
Indeed, if we fail to preserve the institutions of the republic, the
American dream will be in grave danger.
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