Social engineers are rarely fans of democracy
by Peter C. Glover
If ever proof were needed that capitalism works for the interest of the poorest and most
vulnerable (and for all of us) while leftist social engineering works against those interests, consider the escalating
green war on coal.
It’s a war being conducted from the very top. President
Obama, the European Union, even the United Nations are among
those doing their level best to prevent the exploitation of one of the most
ubiquitous, and thus cheap, energy resource available to us. In vain
pursuit of controlling the global climate via the doomed war on man-made carbon
dioxide emissions, social engineers are prepared to ignore both the
economy-busting cost and, ultimately, the human cost.
But if the recent ignominious dumping of Australia’s carbon-tax-imposing
Labour Government teaches anything, it’s that, in a democracy, it’s the people
that call the shots in the global marketplace, not governments. Just ask Julia
Gillard (who imposed the disastrous Oz carbon tax) and Kevin Rudd (who pushed
her aside then tried to run with it). Quite simply, the message to democratic
governments worldwide is straightforward enough: an industry and society
crippling carbon tax is a step
too far. Democratic governments can take their chances. We cannot, however,
take the same view when it comes to the world’s millions still living in
poverty. Not that they appear to factor in the ideological calculations of the
unelected ‘greenist’ elites at the European Union Commission or United Nations
(or greens generally).
Social engineers are rarely fans of democracy. They know well enough that
electorates will allow them only so much rope; precisely why greens prefer ‘backdoor’ means, such as
procuring regulations from government quangos. Apart from getting fellow green
ideologues into key government roles, it usually means lobbying for policies
that skew the free marketplace. In the case of energy, they lobby against
hydrocarbon resources while contriving to represent renewable energy as a
commercially economic alternative. Joe Average, for a while at least, is duly
taken in. Unfortunately, as the world’s first government to impose a carbon tax
just found out, you can fool some of the people some of the time…
Don’t think for one moment, however, that the social engineers are prepared
to bow to the will of the people. It’s not in their DNA. Which is precisely why
they have been lobbying hard for the world’s banks to step in and cut the usual
investments and loans to hydrocarbon energy industry businesses; and lately,
with some success. Investment loans are crucial to enable economically viable
electricity generating power plants to be built in developing states.
In May 2013, World Bank President Jim Young Kim was robustly defending his
organisation’s investment in coal-fired power plants to help end poverty by
bringing electricity to millions. By July, however, in the face of massive
criticism of its perceived lack of commitment towards ‘fighting climate
change’, especially by Barack Obama, the World Bank agreed to a “new energy
strategy” that would limit the financing of coal-fired plants except in “rare
circumstances”. Of its funding to poorer nations, around eight percent or $18
billion between 2007-12 was being channelled into sectors that include energy.
Much of that funding will now be diverted towards non-viable (without on-going
subsidy) renewable energy projects. In early September the World Bank moved up
another gear. It announced that it would now be taking “aggressive action” to
ensure funds go towards the climate fight and not fossil-fuelled power plants.
They claim the move will promote public health and crop growth. It will do neither. At a stroke the World Bank has
effectively negated a key founding principle: that which aims to lift countless
millions out of poverty.
We know this because a similar policy is already in place at the European
Investment Bank (EIB) where the negative impact on populations has had
devastating results. Long targeted by campaign groups who want fossil
fuel loans stopped, the EIB enacted a highly controversial pro-biofuels policy
which is now being blamed for pushing large sectors of African populations into
poverty. As a direct result of its policy, six million hectares of sub-Saharan
Africa are now under the control of European companies all vying for a slice of
the EU biofuel ‘slush fund’ action. This has instigated a significant shift
away from food crop production to crop production to manufacture biofuels, and
largely for use in the affluent West. In July, the Europe’s Parliamentary
Environment Committee (EPEC) was forced to admit its
policy was having a serious impact on global food stocks. A fact fleshed out by
an ActionAid report Broken Promises.
The report cited the example of the Addax bioenergy project in Sierra Leone
which was shown to have adversely affected the lives of 13,000 people in 60
villages. 90 percent of those interviewed by Actionaid confirmed that
spreading local hunger was directly attributable to Addax acquiring lands to
grow biofuel crops, and without compensation. As the author of Actionaid’s
report put it, “The fact that this is done in the name of the EU ‘green’
policies is shocking.” The EPEC duly voted to reduce the cap of 10 percent of
transport fuel from renewable from sources by 2020 to 5.5 percent. The European
Parliament eventually voted to confirm a reduction to 6 percent on September
11. The environmental lobbies had wanted it kept at 8.5 percent. The policy,
however, remains in place to the detriment of those for whom food crops matter
much more.
Nor do environmental NGOs, including the WWF, SEE Change Net and Bankwatch,
have any compunction about keeping much of the world in power-less
poverty. Having jetted into Serbia for yet another ‘consultation’ jaunt
in September, the NGOs decided to submit a 17,000 strong petition demanding
that the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) stop lending
cash for coal projects, too.
Industrializing nations and communities don’t want lectures about an
alarmist climate change theory with more holes in it than in Lennon’s “Blackburn, Lancashire” (a mere
4,000, if you were wondering). Nor do they want to remain in an
eco-activist-styled ‘quaint’ but distinctly poverty-stricken community. What
they need is food crops, full stomachs and
poverty-alleviating electrical power. And that means utilizing
hydrocarbon-fuelled power. When it comes to poverty-alleviation, capitalism –
and specifically the lending of global investment banks to build workable power
plants – is not the chief hope for the world’s poor, it’s their only hope.
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