How They Cooked Their Latest Climate Books
By Larry Bell
I have asked my
friend Dr. Vincent Gray from New Zealand, who has served as an expert reviewer
for all five of the reports issued by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC), to comment on the latest Summary for Policymakers (AR5) report.
Dr. Gray holds a Ph.D. in physical chemistry from Cambridge University and is
the author of a book The Greenhouse Delusion.
Vincent, as a
climate scientist and long-standing IPCC expert reviewer, what is your opinion
regarding the science offered behind the “greenhouse delusion” in this latest
Larry, they have
found that the public will believe almost anything that is represented as being
agreed by “scientists”, provided that you have enough of them and they are
backed up by the requisite number of celebrities and public figures.
Unfortunately for
their message, there is no evidence that human-emitted greenhouse gases have a
harmful influence on the climate. So it becomes necessary to use spin,
distortion, deception and even fabrication to cover up this absence of evidence
with a collective assertion of belief in their cause to an increased level of
certainty. In the end they must rely merely upon collective opinions within
their selected ranks, of which they once again claim high levels of certainty. However,
they run into the problem of imposing such severe discipline on so many people,
most whom have been trained to think independently.
All the reports
have to have a “Summary for Policymakers”, which is really a Summary BY
Policymakers because it is agreed to line-by-line by the anonymous
international government representatives who control the IPCC. The results
are then dictated to politically-selected “Drafting Authors”. In the end, they can
only hope that their Summary will agree with the main body of the report.
Have they
succeeded in accomplishing such agreements in previous reports?
Not always. It
changes from report to report.
In their first
report, in 1990, they admitted that the “warming” that they thought they had
identified could just as easily be explained by “natural variability. Then in
their second 1995 report similar opinions were expressed several times, so they
got one of their reliable scientists to change the final draft in order to
eliminate such lack of preordained messaging discipline.
Despite of this,
the same persistent opinion that climate changes can be explained by natural
variability appeared again in the first chapter of the third report. That time
all they could manage to do was to replace the whole chapter in the next report
with a plug for the IPCC.
But they didn’t
quit! In the fourth report they imposed severe discipline on the writers, and
it really paid off. They concluded that human carbon dioxide emissions were the
cause of a global warming threat, and were rewarded, along with Al Gore, with a
Nobel Prize for their pains.
And what about the
last AR5 report? Is their tactic still successful?
Well Larry, it
seems they have run into some Big Trouble.
They have been going
on long enough for it to become obvious that their models do not work. For
example, their doctored “global temperature record” has shown no increase for
17 years in spite of the usual increase in carbon dioxide. They have tried to
find desperate measures to cover this up by claims that it did not happen.
So in response to this dilemma, what have they done to accomplish damage control?
So in response to this dilemma, what have they done to accomplish damage control?
Presently, for the
second time, they have failed to endorse the final report which is merely
“accepted”. They have, however, approved the Summary for Policymakers, and now
they have a similar unhappy task they had with the second report. They must
somehow adjust their final draft to agree with what they have imposed on their
Drafting Authors.
But this is much
more than just a matter of altering a few opinions they disagree with. The
pause in their temperature record cannot be changed easily.
So they’re trying
to get around this by issuing 134 “corrections” to the final report which are
intended to play down the embarrassment of the fact that their models do not
How did a
“skeptic” like you ever manage to become an expert reviewer for all, or even
any, of the IPCC reports? After all, this is hardly an organization that
welcomes viewpoints that challenge the global warming doom and gloom orthodoxy.
Larry, I got
involved with making comments on the supplement to the first report when I was
in China in 1990, and I stuck it out ever since because it is an invaluable
insight into the nature of the claims for national and international control of
“greenhouse gases” which I have slowly come to realize are completely spurious.
It is true that
from the time of the first report, IPCC has made it plain that constructive
critics are unwelcome, and as a result, few have participated. I believe I am
the only one who has commented on every report. Believe me, it has taken a lot
of persistence on my part to be allowed to participate.
It required
persistence and very hard, unpaid work. Despite the fact that they didn’t
answer my comments, I felt, and still feel, that it was very important to
persist. I have regarded it to be my professional and ethical responsibility to
attempt to provide constructive inputs in hopes of positively influencing the
scientific integrity of the process and conclusions.
What is it about
the processes and products that you observe to be most disturbing from a
scientific perspective?
The most
disturbing aspect of the IPCC process is that it really has little to do with
objective science at all. It is much more about political spin aimed at
highlighting preconceived attention-grabbing hyperbole for release to the media
in Summary for Policymakers reports. Non-scientific government appointees
actually control the entire report to make sure it says exactly with the
politically-controlled message they can all agree with.
It appears that we
may again witness the repeat of a scandal that erupted with the IPCC’s second
report where a discrepancy between what the Summary for Policy Makers concluded
and what the main reports the reviewing scientists had actually approved had to
be “corrected” after the fact to fit the political narrative. Here they are
doing the same thing again, but this time it appears that they are doing it
Vincent, as you
mentioned earlier, your inputs addressing many of these issues as an expert
reviewer have usually been ignored. Will you please comment more about this?
Yes, I submitted
1,898 comments to the fourth report because I thought the chairman might be
sympathetic. I found out later that he had been replaced. I have also submitted
numerous comments on the first two drafts of this report; 119 comments on the
second draft alone. Beginning with the Summary for Policymakers
report, I have pointed out many very large problems.
One broad category
has to do with an elaborate system they have established to compensate for real
evidence that human greenhouse emissions have a predominate influence on
climate. This sham is based upon claiming totally arbitrary and
subjective “levels of confidence”. In other words, by quantifying a high level
of confidence that a particular proposition is true, this is to replace an
absence of real supporting evidence.
Then, even when
real observed climate developments contradict their previous predictions making
it obvious that their simulation models don’t work, they still find it
necessary to raise their confidence levels with each subsequent report. It’s
really crazy, but they seem to get away with it in the mainstream media.
IPCC expresses its
levels of confidence using five qualifiers: very low, low, medium, high, and
very high. Then for a given evidence and agreement statement, increasing levels
of evidence and degrees of agreement are correlated with increasing confidence.
This latest report is infested with claims that almost everything that serves their alarmist messaging is “very likely”, a term which indicates 95% certainty. I guess they feel a need to leave that last 5% of uncertainty, just in case one day they will have to swallow their words.
This latest report is infested with claims that almost everything that serves their alarmist messaging is “very likely”, a term which indicates 95% certainty. I guess they feel a need to leave that last 5% of uncertainty, just in case one day they will have to swallow their words.
So in this case,
my comment to IPCC was, “These are merely the opinions of biased ‘experts’.
They are not based upon scientific studies”.
However the IPCC
spins the fact that Mother Nature has settled the debate on their failed
“expert” predictions, with temperatures flat for at least the past 16 years,
the Arctic and Antarctic gaining ice mass, and all the hyperventilating about
extreme weather coming to naught, the media continues to swallow their
Kool-Aid. Even theWall Street Journal, which should certainly know
better, ran a big headline article titled “U.N. Affirms Human Role in
Global Warming: Major report Reasserts Link Between Rising Temperatures; Warns
of a Tipping Point With Severe Effects”.
How can they claim
any credible evidence to support such alarmism?
All of that
“evidence” is dependent upon “simulations”, and “projections” from untested
models. Neither those simulations or projections, constitute “evidence”,
since as demonstrated, they are incapable of successful future prediction.
As I pointed out
to the IPCC in my comments:
“Observations” are not the same as actual scientific
measurements. They do make measurements, but they conceal them and package them
up into multi-averaged “data” which are slanted to claim support for the cause.
“Simulations” are mere correlations; they do not prove
The IPCC climate models provide only
“projections” and not “predictions”. (The
media have failed to notice this distinction.)
The IPCC has also
claimed that “many of the observed changes are unprecedented over decades to
millennia”. My comment regarding this was, “The periods you quote are
ridiculously short, and many of the observations are dubious”.
In addition, the
IPCC grossly exploits general public confusion over the whole issue of “global
temperatures”. As I commented to them, their claim to have measured “globally
averaged” temperatures near the surface is untrue. In order to do so, it would
be necessary to distribute thermometers randomly over the entire surface of the
earth, including oceans deserts and forests.
And the “global
surface temperature anomaly” which they quote is very far from such a
scientifically based system, as it consists of multiple averages based on
unrepresentative samples taken from non-standardized conditions which have very
large uncertainties and biases which greatly exceed the supposed warming, and
are never estimated.
Vincent, finally,
how do they expect to get around the big elephant in the room…the so-called
global temperature “pause”?
Larry, a deceptive
feature of the IPCC’s entire report is an attempt to cover it up using a
botched- up time series which no longer indicates an upwards temperature trend.
They have changed the measurement starting date used in earlier reports,
and replaced the “error bands” with much larger ones for their models, based
the “projections” of their previous reports. They tend to end several of their
plots in the year 2000 when it did not seem so bad, and they like using
“decadal” temperatures to cover up their obvious failure to “project”
temperatures for the past 17 years.
All of this
demonstrates that their models, and the estimates of “uncertainty” that are
based upon them, are virtually useless.
Finally, it
doesn’t even seem to be worth arguing about different values of “climate
sensitivity” to greenhouse gases they project, CO2 in
particular, as they are all much less than the uncertainties. And although
the models do not estimate “natural variability”, this is invariably
invoked only when it is obvious that their models have failed.
Thanks Vincent. As
for climate sensitivity, I believe that IPCC can expect to witness
increasing natural variability from the public as more and more realists cool
to their transparently alarmist political agenda.
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