Being ‘pro-immigrant’ is now
PC code for being anti-public
By Brendan O’Neill
Spiked is about as pro-freedom
of movement as it is possible to get. Never mind Romanians and Bulgarians, we
think even Africans should have the freedom to travel through, work and settle
in Western Europe. So you might expect us to have enjoyed the kicking David
Cameron received over the past week for his anti-immigrant posturing, from
commentators and campaigners claiming to be on the side of migrants to Britain.
But we didn’t. On the contrary, the assaults on Cameron over his allegedly
fiery rhetoric revealed how warped, even undemocratic, the pro-immigration
stance has become, and how urgently we need a new, fresh, properly liberal
defence of free movement.
Much about the anti-Cameron
storm didn’t add up. The PM was attacked after proposing that newly arrived
immigrants should not automatically qualify for welfare benefits. He was
accused of stirring up unfounded fears about Britain’s welfare larder being
plundered by Romanians and Bulgarians, who will have freer movement around
Europe in the new year, when actually the vast majority of such Eastern
migrants are fit, healthy and keen to work. This is true. It is indeed daft to
fret over the alleged scrounging instincts of a foreign population who, if those
from its number who are already here are anything to go by, will labour, nurse
and serve for wages. But the strange thing about the Cam-bashing is that those
who spearheaded it are not only far from being in favour of freedom of movement
– they also actually agree with Cameron on curbing new migrants’ benefits.
So Labour’s Yvette Cooper made
waves when she claimed Cameron was ‘panicking over Romanian and Bulgarian
workers’. But when you dug down under the Cooper-cheering headlines, it became
clear that she supports curbing benefits for new migrants - in fact, Labour
thought of it first. ‘The prime minister is playing catch-up. Why has it taken
him eight months to copy Labour’s proposal?’, she said. Even some of the more
excoriating newspaper editorials were sympathetic to Cameron’s central idea.
The Independent‘s leader was a hit with tweeting lefties, with its
slamming of Cam for being ‘neurotic’ about immigration and spreading ‘hysteria’
about Eastern Europeans; yet is also said this: Cameron’s proposals are ‘not
without merit’ and ‘it is not unreasonable to minimise the temptation [to
migrants] of Britain’s welfare and healthcare provisions’.
The most striking example of
Cameron being slated over his immigration-talk by someone who is hardly a
friend to immigrants was when EU commissioner László Andor got stuck in. Andor,
the EU’s man on employment, social affairs and inclusion, got British-based
critics of Cameron all excited when he warned that Britain risks becoming the
‘nasty country’ of Europe as a result of its ‘hysteria’ over immigration.
Cameron should give a ‘more accurate’ picture of the likely levels and impact
of Romanian and Bulgarian migration to Britain, he said. So here we have a man
who works for an organisation whose stringent, unforgiving anti-African
immigration policies have led to the deaths of hundreds of migrants on the
coasts of southern Europe lecturing Britain on how it talks about
immigration. Being told off about one’s bad attitude to immigration by a
Brussels-based suit is like being lectured about one’s drinking habits by Shane
So if the loud critics of
Cameron are actually in agreement with him - either on the specifics of curbing
benefits or on the general idea that migration must be more tightly policed -
what is pumping their bluster? What is it about Cameron’s comments that caused
them to bash out editorials or press releases attacking his neurosis and
hysteria? What they’re really worried about is not the impact that Cameron’s
proposals will have on Romanians and Bulgarians, but the impact they will have
on Brits, on the apparently mushy, malleable minds of those less well-read
sections of Britain with their innate hostility to migrants and their latent
desire to attack foreigners. What outraged Cam’s critics was not that he
suggested making migrants’ lives a little harder, but that he suggested it in
front of the children - us, the masses of Britain, who are apparently too
politically immature to hear such talk.
The fear of a rash public
reaction to Cameron’s comments ran through virtually all the anti-Cameron
commentary and statements. So that Independent editorial which
generally agreed with Cameron’s proposals but nonetheless accused him of
stoking ‘hysteria’ argued that the PM was ‘fanning the flames of misconception
when he should be dampening them’. He was clearly angling for a ‘quick win with
the public’ - because the public hates immigrants, of course - when ‘his job is
to lead, not merely to follow’. This is what László Andor was getting at, too,
when he said Cameron was formulating his new policy on immigration ‘under
pressure… under [the] hysteria which sometimes happens in the UK’. That is, the
PM is pandering to the inflamed, hysterical misconceptions harboured by your
average Brit when he should be shooting them down.
The idea that the public is
profoundly anti-immigrant, and possibly even racist, is widespread. ‘Voters
will love it’, said one Guardian columnist of Cameron’s
proposals. A writer for the New Statesman said Cameron was
‘stok[ing] public anger and distrust on immigration’, and in the process he is
‘threaten[ing] the stability of our political system’ because enraged
anti-immigrant voters will now turn to smaller, far-right political parties in
order to express their racial frustrations. ‘[M]ore and more voters are moving
from the mainstream to the margins, guided by a toxic and - to be frank - nasty
group of opinion-makers [who are] sowing the seeds of xenophobia, protest and
division’, said the NS writer. In short, like cattle the
latently racist public is being led into unpredictable pastures. Another
broadsheet critic of Cameron accused him of ‘fanning the flames of xenophobia
and dividing our society’.
This twitchy fear of what
horrors Cameron’s words might unleash among the basically racist throng was
summed up in the oft-repeated phrase ‘dog whistle politics’. Numerous
commentators accused Cameron of ‘pure dog whistling’, of using ‘the politics of
the dog whistle’ on the issue of immigration in order to shore up his public
support. Think about how insulting that phrase is. It refers to the process by
which a mainstream politician emits a shrill noise which will not be heard by
Us, the decent folk, but will be heard by Them, the xenophobes, the prejudiced,
the dogs, effectively, of public life and mass society, who are
just waiting for the order from their master before unleashing their inner
anti-immigrant fury. The illiberal liberals of the anti-Cameron set are really
upset with him because they think he has potentially unleashed the dogs of
What underpins this supposedly
‘pro-immigration’ stance among influential left-leaning politicians and
opinion-formers is the idea that anti-immigration sentiment comes from below,
from the mob, and politicians have a duty not to indulge it. So even the
radical Socialist Worker newspaper accuses Cameron of ‘wading
into the racist sewer’. That is what both the radical and elite critics of
Cameron’s immigration-talk are really worried about - the ‘racist sewer’,
inhabited by easily led, ‘toxic’ individuals whose hate is ‘fanned’ by Cameron.
By this reading, the problem of anti-immigration sentiment in Britain comes
from the little people, from tabloid-readers, and not from those in power who
make actual laws restricting migrants’ freedom of movement and imprisoning
so-called illegal immigrants. What a perverse, utterly topsy-turvy way of
understanding modern Britain’s problem with immigration.
What the Cam-bashing of the
past week reveals is the extent to which being ‘pro-immigration’ now really
means being anti-masses. Indeed, fear of the British native has replaced fear
of the immigrant among Britain’s cultural elites. Where once Britain’s
mainstream opinion-makers would have had us believe that immigrants, with their
strange habits and beliefs, were a ‘threat to the political system’ and our way
of life, now they say the same thing of the natives, of British-born white
communities that are seen as peculiar and given to xenophobia. The cultural elites’
sense of attachment to The Immigrant is growing in direct proportion to their
feeling of alienation from, and incomprehension at, Britain’s own little
people. That is why commentators now contrast ‘tax-paying immigrants’ to
‘indolent British scroungers on their couches drinking beer and watching
daytime TV’ - because they are drawn to the immigrant through their disgust and
disdain for their own native hordes. These observers are pro-immigrant only in
the sense that they have turned the immigrant into a symbol of decency, infused
with shades of victimhood, which they might use to beat the prejudiced publics
they feel surrounded by every day.
We end up with the worst of
all worlds: a ‘pro-immigration’ stance that does nothing to boost freedom of
movement (in fact it agrees with most of what Cameron does on immigration), yet
which does fuel elite hostility towards the masses and give rise to a more
timid, self-censored debate on immigration. We need the opposite - an upfront,
loud, testy debate on immigration, through which we might expose who is really
hampering it and also put the case for full freedom of movement. We at spiked aren’t
‘pro-immigrant’ - we are pro-freedom of movement, for all, for the Bulgarian
and the Botswanan, for the rich and the poor, for anyone who wants to come here
and find out for themselves that Britain is not in fact packed with ignorant,
violent racists.
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