Television and the Kalashnikov
By Anthony de Jasay
is the joint effect of a push and a pull, though the relative strength of each
can vary greatly. If one considers the great mass movements of the Western
world, the first, peaking around the middle of our first millennium, was mainly
a matter of "push", with one people chasing another from East to West
and taking possession of its land. The second, also from East to West, was the
slave trade carried on for nearly three centuries and which petered out early in the
19th century, where white slavers, usually with the complicity of tribal
chiefs, caught and transported Africans to the Caribbean and the southern
United States, where they produced sugar and cotton in exchange for their keep,
such as it was. The main moving force was the "pull" of
profitability. Its fruits were captured by the African tribal chiefs, the slave
traders, and the plantation owners, but the slaves were excluded due to the
weakness or lack of rules that would protect the freedoms of unarmed or poorly
armed individuals. In the third major migratory wave peaking before World War
I, Europeans settled North America. They were pushed by repeated periods of
agricultural depression (itself partly the result of imports from the newly
settled great grain producing areas of the U.S. Midwest and Canada), and partly
natural calamities such as the Irish famine. However, the pull of fairly
fertile land, to be had in freehold by squatting on it, was the dominant reason
for crossing the Atlantic.
Migration in
Europe since World War II has been too chaotic for a dominant trend to be
discerned. Two of the early streams of Turks to Germany and Arabs to France,
were mostly responses to the full employment opportunities in western Europe
and were fully agreed to by the host countries. The flight from Soviet Russia
and its satellites to the West was more due to what has come to be called
"asylum seeking" than to economic calculus. It is probably fair to
say that since the flood of refugees from Socialism has passed, there is
practically no need for a European resident to seek asylum, and if there are
still political refugees in Europe, they have come from the Middle East and
Africa where the intrinsic turbulence of Islam and the inability of Muslim
sects to coexist with each other or with non-Muslims unless forced to do so
under some iron-handed dictator, is pushing large numbers to yield to the
hostile push of religious zealotry and seek shelter in Europe. Today's migrants
to Europe are of two types from the legal point of view. One type enters his
target country with the latter's consent and a regular visa. They come as
students, tourists, relatives of residents and other genuine reasons and false
pretexts. Once their visa has expired, they remain in the chosen host country
as "illegal" immigrants. They then apply for political asylum, a
claim that neither they nor the authorities regard as more than a poor joke,
but which both pretend to take for a genuine right. However, with ample
facilities for appeals, such claims take two or more years to settle. Once
rejected, the host country may expel the illegal immigrant, but appeals to human
rights by a very vocal minority and the genuine compassion felt by many for
hard cases make expulsion very difficult. In Britain, for instance, there is an
estimated 600,000 pool of illegal immigrants with an annual intake of maybe
80,000, but the authorities succeed in expelling only about 15,000 a year.
Those who remain mostly benefit from English tolerance and good faith and from
their children being British-born.
The other
type of today's European immigrations relies not so much on the abuse of visas,
but on clandestine frontier crossings. "Illegal" immigrants to France
and Germany both are around 60,000 annually. Besides the spurious claim of
political asylum, compassionate grounds may be found for letting them stay.
While vocal minorities make expulsion no less difficult than it is from
hard-nosed majority of most European countries, while less vocal than the human
rights championing minority who speak from the ethical pulpit, are more and
more upset to find that they and their government have so little say in
deciding how many non-natives, and of what kind, come and settle in their
country—or perhaps more precisely, in the country they believe to be theirs.
Sensing the rising anger, governments currently scramble to tighten up the
granting of visas in order to shorten the asylum judgment process, make
clandestine entry more difficult, and the access of clandestine residents to
welfare-type benefits harder. Under the Schengen agreements, residents of most
European countries pass across frontiers as of right, and only people from
non-Schengen countries may be denied entry. A recent Brussels decision under
the promising name of "Eurosure" is supposed to control entry into
the Schengen area more effectively, but it is a good guess that except for the
new name, nothing much will change. If the immense resources employed by the
U.S.A. to control their border with Mexico have so modest an effect, there is
little reason to expect Eurosure to have much effect at all. The core of the
European immigration problem, one that takes effective control over who comes
to live in Europe out of the hands of Europeans, is that they are hard-nosed
and soft-hearted at the same time, and both attitudes have an equally good
claim to be right. With cool heads and warn sentiments cancelling each other
out the gates are open to a new type of immigration that is neither clandestine
nor authorised. It is peaceful intrusion enforced by moral blackmail involving,
in worst-case scenarios, the threat of suicide of the blackmailer. It is
strikingly illustrated by what might fittingly be called the Lampedusa Dilemma.
Lampedusa is
a small island, the southernmost part of Italy. Its 8 square miles lie a mere
70 miles from the North African coast. Between Gibraltar and the Bosporus, there
are several streams of refugees, an annual total of about 140,000, making their
way from the Near East and Africa to Europe. The catchment area is vast;
immigrants come from as far south as Nigeria; two of the streams flow to Italy,
partly absorbed in the peninsula, partly drifting on northwards. One of these
streams makes a short halt in Lampedusa before being moved on to refugee
reception centres on the mainland. However, once setting foot on Lampedusa, the
main objective of the refugees is achieved; they are on the right side of the
Schengen fence that supposedly protects Europe from uninvited and unwanted
voyagers to Lampedusa first make their way from their homelands in Eritrea,
Syria, Somaliland, Sudan and other luckless countries to the Libyan or Tunisian
coast, miraculously scraping together the necessary means. Once there, they
must pay a further $2,000 to $3,000 to specialised traffickers for the sea
passage to Lampedusa. They are piled into the oldest and least seaworthy and
hence the cheapest vessels the traffickers can find, which are expected to
carry several hundred people across the high seas , a task for which such
coastal fishing boats are patently unfit, and are sent off to court their good
The Italian
navy is out in force to keep an eye on these miserable vessels. The initial
idea behind ordering it out was that it would act as a deterrent to this
traffic but which it is unable to do. The traffickers and their vast profits
were sitting pretty on the Libyan coast and their customers at sea, desperate
to arrive, would rather drown than let their boat turn round and take them back
to Africa. The navy's mission has become one of support and rescue in the
frequent cases of shipwreck. Even so, many hundreds have perished often within
sight of the shore, when their boat capsized or just sank like any leaky bucket
will sink. However, the bulk of the refugees got, and continue to get, through
to Lampedusa "illegally" and are granted immigrant status willy-nilly.
The hard-nosed alternative of throwing them into the sea or shipping them back
to the African shore and never mind what happens to them, just could not and
will not be envisaged by a civilised nation. Immigration, decided unilaterally
by the immigrant, seems destined to remain irresistible. The dilemma has no
other solution.
Looking for
the ultimate causes of the dilemma, two physical objects stand out as decisive
in setting out the structure of this "game." One is a television set.
There are now countless millions in the pre-industrial parts of the world,
bringing home to the poorest of its poor the images of universal comfort and
abundance of the industrialised societies. Probably never before in
pre-television ages has the gap between the affluence "over there" and
the abject poverty "over here" been as sharply and as widely
perceived as it is today.
The other
object, decisive in setting up the dilemma of contemporary immigration, is the
Kalashnikov rifle or any of its quick-firing cousins. The wonderful boom-boom-boom
that a teenage master of such a gun can conjure up with a finger makes him feel
like a demi-god and reduces grown but unarmed men and women to fearful
obedience. The bearers of Kalashnikovs permit a government employing them to
exploit its subjects more universally and deeply than in earlier ages when
chiefs and their supporters had much the same kinds of cutting and thrusting
weapons as the villagers they tried to exploit, and there was much less to take
from villagers living by subsistence farming than from the more diversified
producers of today. In some African countries a small army and its automatic
weapons, enables the government and its close friends to steal probably as much
as ten per cent of the national product. Militias needed to decide the outcome
of what are politely called democratic elections, also wreak occasional havoc
among unarmed populations. Worst of all the consequences of the Kalashnikov in
the least lucky African and Middle Eastern countries (and elsewhere, too) is
that well-established governments have achieved enough power to impose
counter-productive policies on the whole economy that do more damage to the
poor than the most shameless corruption.
It is not
too fanciful to conclude that if it had not been for television and the
Kalashnikov and all that they symbolise, poverty and hopelessness would not be
so painfully pushing some of the best people of Africa and the Middle East to
force their way into the more prosperous world Europeans have built for
themselves over the centuries. We cannot even imagine what new physical objects
the future may bring forth to replace and undo the effects of television and
the Kalashnikov on the immigration dilemma. But if progress were to produce
something similar, let us try not to obstruct the work they might quietly
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