The opposite of tyranny is freedom. Capitalism is the practical and constructive expression of freedom.
Pope Francis had some criticism for “unfettered capitalism” in his Evengelii Gaudium,
and public statements he has made in concert with release of the document.
My first inclination in response is to wonder where he believes this
unfettered capitalism might be found, because there most certainly is no such
thing in the Western world.
That’s not a minor quibble, nor is it
meant as a snarky comeback. State control over private industry is a
dominant fact of life around the world. There are very few places that
come anywhere near the capitalist ideal of a limited government equally
enforcing the property rights of all. That is the necessary – indeed,
indispensable – role of government for any true capitalist. Theft and
fraud have no place in a free market, because they are infringements against
economic liberty, as well as disrupting the efficient allocation of resources.
Capitalism is all about voluntary commerce. The victims of thieves
and swindlers do not act of their own volition.
Government power is also an
offense against economic liberty, when exercised for purposes beyond securing
the equal rights of all. This is where I find myself in disagreement with
key elements of the Pope’s critique. It’s not quite that broadside
against free markets that opportunistic leftists made it out to be, and it’s
risible to treat it as an endorsement of the stale and corrupt Big Government
racket venerated by American liberals. The Pope was pretty tough on the
welfare state and government debt, as well as capitalist excess. But the
portion of his pronouncement quoted by the Wall Street Journal merits a response from anyone who would
defend not only the superior accomplishments, but superior morality, of
capitalism over its grim and oppressive alternatives:
Using unusually blunt language, he
sharply criticized the market economy. “Just as the commandment ‘Thou shalt not
kill’ sets a clear limit in order to safeguard the value of human life, today
we also have to say ‘thou shalt not’ to an economy of exclusion and
inequality,” wrote the pontiff in the 224-page document known as the apostolic
“Such an economy kills,” wrote Pope
Francis, denouncing the current economic system as “unjust at its roots” and
one “which defend(s) the absolute autonomy of the marketplace and financial
speculation.” Such a system, he warned, is creating a “new tyranny,” which
“unilaterally and relentlessly imposes its own laws and rules.”
We have to say “thou shalt not” to “an
economy of exclusion and inequality?” Thou shalt not what? What verb would come at the end
of this new commandment?
“Exclusion,” and the inequality of opportunity, are
sins that can only be committed by criminals and the State. Armed gangs
are noted for excluding people and destroying their opportunities. So are
government bureaucracies. In fact, they employ many of the same methods.
The State loves to exercise power far beyond the letter of the law
through intimidation tactics and unfunded mandates. They wear business
suits and power ties instead of gang cuts, but the basic principle is similar.
Just and lawful governments seek to
protect the equality of opportunity, but there is a far greater banquet of
power and money waiting for the politician who declares he will enforce
equality of outcome.
That’s where the dreary, oppressive machinery of
redistribution and confiscation come into play. Equality of outcome is
highly subjective – the powerful decide what is “fair,” measure out what
individual groups are “entitled” to, and seize whatever power is necessary to
enforce their judgments.
This process is inherently immoral, because it deploys the coercive power of government
against people who have committed no crime. It also tends to result in a
maze of incomprehensible laws that turn even the most well-meaning citizens
into presumptive criminals. Everyone is a “violator” when the law is so
inscrutable that honest people can’t possibly obey it. It’s not a
question of learning the sort of clear-cut rules that one might find inscribed
upon stone tablets, and making good faith efforts to obey them. The
citizen becomes more concerned with escaping the baleful notice of the
all-powerful ruling class.
The Pope charges autonomous marketplaces
with creating a “new tyranny,” but tyranny is an exercise of compulsive power.
It is not subtle, or invisible. Private corporations can certainly
become willing partners in tyranny. The Twentieth Century is filled with
mournful examples of such relationships. Large private enterprises often
grow eager to purchase the anti-competitive power sold by corrupt politicians.
But the government has a monopoly on the coercive force necessary to
create tyranny, a
word that has a very specific meaning. A private individual might be
criticized for indifference to the suffering of the poor, but such indifference
is not tyrannical. Monopolistic power can assume the trappings of tyranny
in the way that it crushes those who seek opportunity in a controlled
marketplace, but the nations of the West already recognize the accumulation of
monopoly power as a crime, which governments are charged with preventing.
(In practice, they’re more apt to become willing partners in creating
monopolistic conditions, as in the sealed labor markets they create for the
benefit of powerful unions.)
It seems to me that the abusive situations
Pope Francis has spoken out against, such as unsafe sweatshop exploitation, are
more properly understood as forms of corruption, which is a failure of government. Not to let those who buy corrupt
politicians off the hook, but the vendor in such sinful transactions is the one
who makes it possible. The modern Left has invested great effort in
making corruption respectable, conditioning citizens to accept it as standard
operating procedure. The ideal of small, clean governments equally and
impartially defending the rights of all has been replaced by activist
super-States with busy agendas, perpetually in search of private-sector
“partners” (with thick campaign checkbooks) to carry them out.
It would be better to focus on the immense
costs inflicted by such corruption, especially in the huge, politically
dominated economy of the United States, where the government routinely wastes
enough money to feed every hungry person in the world. Billions of
dollars vanish in waste and fraud, under the stewardship of a lavishly
compensated bureaucracy that sure isn’t missing any meals. Genuine
poverty and suffering have been conflated with the frustrated ambitions and
desires of the lower middle class, for the political profit of leftists, but
the resulting redefinition of the welfare state – which, in the absurd regime
of ObamaCare, is now paying welfare subsidies to families that make over
$60,000 per year – leaves fewer resources to help the people that really need it.
It has always been immoral to confuse charity with social engineering.
There’s a big difference between feeding the hungry, and subsidizing an
indolent lifestyle.
How should the success of a “war on
poverty” be measured? Is it better to reduce the amount of poverty… or
give a more comfortable life to a larger number of impoverished people, with
the definition of “poverty” defined absurdly upward? History has shown us
no evidence that government redistribution reduces the level of poverty in any
society. On the contrary, poverty walks hand-in-hand with socialism,
because the private sector inevitably shrinks as government grows, leaving
fewer opportunities to be exploited by free people. Those at the lower
end of the income ladder tend to find themselves most deprived of opportunity.
And the invariable result of socialist
economic policy is a smaller, richer elite lording over a more impoverished
population. ”Income inequality” gets worse under the rule of
people who claim they are dedicated to eliminating it, as has occurred in the
United States under the administration of President Barack Obama. The
Obama years have been mercilessly tough on the poor and middle class, but
rather profitable for rich people with a lot of assets and money to play the
stock market. Travel further down the road Obama walks, and you’ll find
socialist tyrants who proclaim themselves “men of the people” from the high
balconies of palatial estates.
The opposite of tyranny is freedom.
Capitalism is the practical and constructive expression of freedom.
Free markets, secured by just and limited government, are the best way to
reduce poverty, and generate
the wealth necessary to afford charitable assistance to those who cannot make a
good living. It’s not just practically superior, it is morally superior.
How can proper respect be shown to any man or woman without respecting
their rights to own property, sell their labor, engage in voluntary
transactions for mutual benefit, and provide for their families? ”Thou
shalt not steal” is a commandment that should not be suspended for those who
claim they have big plans to improve society with their plunder.
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