Erdogan Has
Good Reason To Be Crazy
by David
P. Goldman
Now that
Turkey has threatened Europe with a “freeze in relations” if Cyprus (as planned) assumes the presidency of the
European Union in 2012, it must seem to Erdogan that everyone is driving in the
wrong direction. Earlier this month Turkey declared “null and void” the United
Nations’ Palmer Commission report, which supported Israel’s right to enforce a
blockade against Gaza. That was a minor gaffe, because United Nations dicta
have the authority of revelation to the liberal media, except, of course, when
they support Israel. It’s one thing for Turkey to freeze relations with Israel
— we take it for granted these days that everybody hates Israel — but the
Europeans? Everybody likes the Europeans, who have replaced their defense
ministries with an answering machine that says, “We surrender.” And over
Cyprus? Even Russia, Turkey’s key trading partner and the host for millions of
Turkish guest workers, is aghast at Erdogan’s tantrum. Russia has strong ties to Cyprus.
The New
York Times’ Thomas
Friedman blames Israel for not apologizing to the Turks. But one doesn’t want
to apologize to Erdogan. You don’t want to talk to him. Don’t make eye contact.
We New Yorkers learn that on the subway. It seems mad to take on Washington,
Brussels, Moscow, as well as Jerusalem, all in the same week. What is driving
the Turkish prime minister round the twist?
The Arab
world is in free fall. Leave aside Syria, whose regime continues to massacre
its own people, and miserable Yemen, and post-civil war Libya. Egypt is
dying. Erdogan’s “triumphal” appearance in Egypt served as a welcome distraction
to Egyptians — welcome, because what they think about most of the time is
disheartening. What’s on the mind of the Egyptian people these days? According
to the Arab-language local media, it’s finding enough calories to get through
the day.
imports half its caloric consumption, the price of its staple wheat remains at
an all-time high, and most Egyptians can’t afford to buy it. The government
subsidizes bread, but according to the Egyptian news site Youm7 (“The Seventh
Day”), the country now faces “an escalating crisis in subsidized
flour.” Packages of
subsidized flour are not reaching the intended recipients, in part because the
Solidarity Ministry hasn’t provided the promised shipments to stores, and in
part because subsidized flour and bread are diverted to the black market. A
small loaf of government-issue bread costs 5 piasters, or less than one U.S.
cent, but it can’t be found in many areas, as the Solidarity Ministry,
provincial government, and bakers trade accusations of responsibility for
supply problems. Poor Egyptians get ration cards, but flour often is not
available to card-holders. Rice, a substitute for wheat, also is in short
supply, and the price has risen recently to 5.5 Egyptian pounds per kilo from
3.75 pounds.
Most Egyptians
barely eat enough to keep body and soul together, and many are hungry. That is
about to get much, much worse: The country is short about $20 billion a
year. The central bank reports that the country’s current account deficit in
the fiscal year ended July 1 swung from a $3.4 billion surplus in the fiscal
year ended July 2010 to a deficit of $9.2 billion in the fiscal year ended July 2011. Almost all of the
shift into red ink occurred since February, suggesting an annualized deficit of
around $20 billion. Egypt’s reserves fell about $11 billion since the uprising
began in February. Who’s going to cough up that kind of money? Not Turkey,
whose own balance-of-payment deficit stands at 11% of GDP and whose currency is
collapsing, as shown in the chart below:
Not the U.S.
Congress, for that matter, nor the hard-pressed Europeans, who have their own
problems, nor the Saudis, who can be counted on for a few billion here and
there, but not $20 billion a year. I reiterate: Egypt will make Somalia look
like a picnic.
It doesn’t
occur to liberals that there are problems for which solutions might not exist;
the notion that cultures and countries may suffer from tragic flaws does not
enter into consideration, because if that were true, there would be no need for
liberals. That is why Friedman, the bellwether of liberal opinion, sounds
stupider than anyone else when he describes Israel as “alone and adrift at sea.” If only Netanyahu had offered his own peace plan,
complains Friedman…to Hamas? A news analysis in the Times meanwhile reports the Obama
administration’s consternation that every pillar of its foreign policy is
crumbling at once.
If the Obama
administration and the New York Times are pulling their hair out over the
disintegration of Arab society, consider how Tayyip Erdogan must feel. His
economic boom is about to come to a crashing end, and his country is doomed demographically to split
up when Kurds outnumber Turks not long from now, as I argued here recently. And his ambitions for Turkish hegemony in the Muslim
world have run directly into an existential crisis that is long past solution.
That would make anyone crazy. Don’t think of the Turkish leader as an
outpatient who lost his meds. In the spirit of political correctness, we might
call him “existentially challenged. ”
It would be
easy to overestimate just how dangerous Erdogan might become. The estimable David Warren calls him “the man who could trigger a world
war.” That seems alarmist. Whom is Erdogan going to fight? Any military
provocation would lead to a further collapse of the Turkish currency, and a
deep setback for the Turkish economy.
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