And why we should care
by Joseph Epstein
When asked what he
thought about the cultural wars, Irving Kristol is said to have replied,
“They’re over,” adding, “We lost.” If Kristol was correct, one of the decisive
battles in that war may have been over the liberal arts in education, which we
also lost.
In a loose
definition, the “liberal arts” denote college study anchored in preponderantly
Western literature, philosophy, and history, with science, mathematics, and
foreign languages playing a substantial, though less central, role; in more
recent times, the social science subjects—psychology, sociology, political
science—have also sometimes been included. The liberal arts have always been
distinguished from more specialized, usually vocational training. For the
ancient Greeks, the liberal arts were the subjects thought necessary for a free
man to study. If he is to remain free, in this view, he must acquire knowledge
of the best thought of the past, which will cultivate in him the intellectual
depth and critical spirit required to live in an informed and reasonable way in
the present.
For many years,
the liberal arts were my second religion. I worshiped their content,
I believed in their significance, I fought for them against the philistines of
our age as Samson fought against the Philistines of his—though in my case, I
kept my hair and brought down no pillars. As currently practiced, however, it
is becoming more and more difficult to defend the liberal arts. Their content
has been drastically changed, their significance is in doubt, and defending
them in the condition in which they linger on scarcely seems worth the
The loss of
prestige of the liberal arts is part of the general crisis of higher education
in the United States. The crisis begins in economics. Larger numbers of
Americans start college, but roughly a third never finish—more women finish,
interestingly, than do men. With the economic slump of recent years,
benefactions to colleges are down, as are federal and state grants, thus
forcing tuition costs up, in public as well as in private institutions.
Inflation is greater in the realm of higher education than in any other public
sphere. Complaints about the high cost of education at private colleges—fees of
$50,000 and $55,000 a year are commonly mentioned—are heard everywhere. A great
number of students leave college with enormous student-loan debt, which is
higher than either national credit card or automobile credit debt. Because of
the expense of traditional liberal arts colleges, greater numbers of the young
go to one or another form of commuter college, usually for vocational training.