now some breaking news coming from the Islamic Emirate of Syriastan. This
program is brought to you by the NATOGCC corporation. Please also tune in for a
word from our individual sponsors, the United States government, Britain,
France, Turkey, the House of Saud and the Emir of Qatar.
It all
started early this week, with a proclamation by the elusive leader of al-Qaeda
Central, Ayman "The Doctor" al-Zawahiri, hidden somewhere in the
Pakistani tribal areas; how come Double O Bama with his license to kill (list)
and prime drone fleet cannot find him?
called for all the Islamist brigades in the Jihad Inc business fighting the
government of Syrian President Bashar al- Assad
to found an Islamic emirate, the passport du jour leading to an Islamic
days later, the Islamic State of Iraq - for all practical purposes al-Qaeda in
Iraq - announced, via a video starring its leader Abu Bakr al-Husseini
al-Qurashi al-Baghdadi, a mergers and acquisition spectacular; from now on, it
would be united with the Syrian jihadist group Jabhat al-Nusra, and be referred
to as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.
then, the next day, the head of Jabhat al-Nusra, the shady Abu Muhammad
al-Joulani, said that yes, we do pledge our allegiance to al-Qaeda Sheikh,
Doctor al-Zawahiri; but there has been no M&A business whatsoever with
al-Qaeda in Iraq.
infidels from Washington to Beijing may be entitled to believe this is straight
from Monty Python - but it's actually deadly serious; especially as the House
of Saud, the Emir of Qatar, the neo-Ottoman Erdogan in Turkey and King
Playstation from Jordan - vastly supported by Washington - continue to
weaponize the Syrian "rebels" to Kingdom Come. And one of the top
beneficiaries of this weaponizing orgy has been - who else - the M&A gang
now known as the Islamic State of the Iraq and Levant.
grain of sand in the Syrian-Iraqi desert knows that the "rebels" who
really matter in fighting terms in Syria are from Jabhat al-Nusra - hundreds of
transnationals fond of beheading and suicide bombings.
control, for instance, a few important suburbs of Aleppo. They've perpetrated
scores of kidnappings, torture and summary executions. Crucially, they killed a
lot of civilians. And they want to impose no-compromise, hardcore Sharia law.
No wonder middle-class, educated Syrians fear them more than anything lethal
the government might resort to.
admitted the obvious: Syrian jihadis are an annex to Iraqi jihadis, from whom,
crucially, they have been receiving on-the-ground battle experience. After all,
it was these hardcore Iraqis who fought the Americans, especially from 2004 to
2007. The plum tomato in the kebab is that al-Nusra itself was founded by Sunni
Syrians fighting alongside Sunni Iraqis in Iraq.
Then there's
what the House of Saud is up to. The Saudis are competing in a regional
marathon against al-Qaeda to see who enrolls more Sunni fanatics to fight those
apostate Iranians, both in Iraq and the northern Levant. The House of Saud
loves any jihadi, local or transnational, as long as he does not raise hell
inside Saudi Arabia.