It was fairly unanimous in the MSM that Romney won the
debate. Comments were that he was forceful, engaged, animated, presidential,
challenging, and on the offensive. The president seemed lackluster, dull,
unresponsive, and tired. All this is true.
they both lied.
wish to point out that I will vote for Romney and I was pleased that he is
perceived to have won the debate. But I thought he won based on theatrical
performance rather than content, which, to be honest, is how most of the great
unwashed judge candidates.
candidate made much sense. Saying words people want to hear won't make it so.
President Obama is a left-wing liberal (Progressive, socialist, whatever). He
is an ideologue and I respect him for at least letting us know what he stands
for. I know exactly what to expect from him and I strongly disagree with most
of his policies. There are two really good reasons to vote him out, beside the
fact that his policies have failed.