The costs of maintaining a sclerotic, cartel-state Status Quo infected with
incurable diminishing returns eventually exceed the carrying capacity of the
real economy and the Status Quo collapses in a heap.
On the
surface, the Status Quo appears stable, if not quite healthy. This stability is illusory, however,
for the Status Quo has a fatal disease: diminishing return.
basic idea of diminishing return is closely related to marginal utility and
marginal return: the more capital, energy and labor committed to a project, the
lower the return/yield/output.
return works in two ways:
Output (yield) remains stable, but it requires an ever-increasing input of
capital, energy and labor to maintain that output.
Input remains stable but output (yield) constantly declines.
survive, the Status Quo must maintain the same output: the stock market must be held aloft
at current levels, entitlements must be paid, the National Security State must
either expand or maintain its current global reach, and so on.